Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

  1. Maintain special care in administration of medications. 4. Secure promise from client that he or she will seek out 3. Formulate a short-term verbal or written contract with the 5. Maintain close observation of client. Depending on level of^130 emerge. period. When that contract expires, make another, and so forth. escape attempts facilitates being able to prevent or inter-vidual provides some relief to the client. A contract gets the subject out in the open and places some of the respon-sibility for the client’s safety with the client. An attitude of acceptance of the client as a worthwhile individual is conveyed.Close observation is necessary to ensure that client does a staff member or support person if thoughts of suicide rupt harmful behavior.client that he or she will not harm self during specifitheir feelings. Discussion of feelings with a trusted indi-vidual may provide assistance before the client experiences a crisis indicated. May need to accompany client to bathroom. suicide precaution, provide one-to-one contact, constant visual observation, or every-15-minute checks. Place client in room close to nurse’s station; do not assign to private room. Accompany client to off-unit activities if attendance not harm self in any way. Being alert for suicidal and ●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONDiscussion of suicidal feelings with a trusted indi-Suicidal clients are often very ambivalent about c time
    2 2506_Ch06_125-144.indd 0130 506 Ch 06 125 - 144 .ind^ 8. Encourage verbalizations of honest feelings. Through 7. Make rounds at frequent, 10. Identify community resources that client may use as sup- 9. Encourage client to express angry feelings within appropriate d 01 skills for use outside the treatment setting. Prevents saving up to overdose or discarding and not suicidal behaviors may be viewed as anger turned inward on the self. If this anger can be verbalized in a nonthreatening environment, the client may be able to eventually resolve taking.these feelings.from becoming predictable. To be aware of client’s location is important, especially when staff is busy, unavailable, or port system and from whom he or she may request help less observable.night, toward early morning, at change of shift, or other exploration and discussion, help client to identify symbols of hope in his or her life.predictably busy times for staff ).limits. Provide safe method of hostility release. Help client to identify true source of anger and to work on adaptive coping 30 irregular Prevents staff surveillance intervals (especially at Depression and 10/1/10 9:34:34 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 34 : 34 AM

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