1. Client verbalizes no thoughts of suicide.Defi 11. Orient client to reality, as required. Point out sensory^ 12. Most important, spend time with client. other [or any other loss of signifi cance to the individual], in which the experience of distress accompanying bereavement fails to follow Outcome Criteria● 2. Client commits no acts of self-harm. 3. Client is able to verbalize names of resources outside the normative expectations and manifests in functional impairment. hospital from whom he or she may request help if feeling suicidal.COMPLICATED GRIEVING nition:if feeling suicidal. a worthwhile person.”Take care not to belittle client’s fears or indicate disapproval of verbal expressions.sage, “I want to spend time with you because I think you are assistance during a crisis may discourage or prevent self-destructive behaviors.feeling of safety and security, while also conveying the mes-misperceptions or misinterpretations of the environment. A disorder that occurs af ter the death of a signifi cant Having a concrete plan for seeking Mood Disorders: Depression This provides a ●^131
2506_Ch06_125-144.indd 0131 2506 Ch 06 125 - 144 .indd [Denial of loss][Excessive anger, expressed inappropriately][Obsessions with past experiences][Ruminations of guilt feelings, excessive and exaggerated out of Possible Etiologies (“related to”)[Developmental regression][Diffi[Thwarted grieving response to a loss][Prolonged diffi[Absence of anticipatory grieving][Real or perceived loss of any concept of value to the individual][Feelings of guilt generated by ambivalent relationship with lost 0 Defi[Bereavement overload (cumulative grief from multiple unresolved [Idealization of lost entity] 13 entity] proportion to the situation]losses)] 1 ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”) culty in expressing loss] culty coping following a loss] 10/1/10 9:34:34 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 34 : 34 AM