[Labile affect][Prolonged interference with life functioning, with onset or Interventions with [Reliving of past experiences with little or no reduction of 2. Client will be able to recognize own position in grief process 2. Develop trusting relationship with client. Show empathy and Long-term Goals 1. Determine stage of grief in which client is fi[Alterations in eating habits, sleep patterns, dream patterns, Client will express anger toward lost entity.Goals/ObjectivesShort-term Goal 1. Client will be able to verbalize behaviors associated with the^132 activity level, libido] intensity of the grief ]exacerbation of somatic or psychosomatic responses]normal stages of grief. as he or she progresses at own pace toward resolution.grieving client.sessment data are necessary to effectively plan care for the behaviors associated with this stage. caring. Be honest and keep all promises. a therapeutic relationship.^ ●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONSelected RationalesAccurate baseline as-Trust is the basis for xed. Identify
2 2506_Ch06_125-144.indd 0132 506 Ch 06 125 - 144 .ind 5. Assist client to discharge pent-up anger through participation 3. Convey an accepting attitude, and enable the client to express 4. Encourage client to express anger. Do not become defensive 6. Teach the normal stages of grief and behaviors associated with d 0 pent-up tension.exercise provides a safe and effective method for discharging some of the guilt that these responses generate.exercises, volleyball, punching bag, exercise bike). in large motor activities (e.g., brisk walks, jogging, physical come to terms with unresolved issues.feelings associated with normal grieving may help to relieve feelings in a nonthreatening environment may help client able during the grief process. rected toward the intended object or person. Assist client to explore angry feelings so that they may be di-if initial expression of anger is displaced on nurse or therapist. enhanced.that you believe he or she is a worthwhile person. Trust is and anger toward the lost entity are appropriate and accept-each stage. Help client to u nderstand t hat feelings such as g uilt feelings openly. 132 An accepting attitude conveys to the client Knowledge of acceptability of the Ve r b a l i z a t i o n o f Physical 10/1/10 9:34:34 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 34 : 34 AM