- Assist client in problem solving as he or she attempts to deter- 2. Client is able to identify own position within the grief pro- 1. Client is able to verbalize normal stages of the grief process 7. Encourage client to review relationship with the lost entity. Outcome Criteria 10. Encourage client to reach out for spiritual support during this 8. Communicate to client that crying is acceptable. Use of 3. Client is no longer manifesting exaggerated emotions and cess and express honest feelings related to the lost entity.and behaviors associated with each stage.decisions made. must give up an idealized perception and be able to accept touch is therapeutic and appropriate with most clients. Knowledge of cultural inflfore the grief process is complete.With support and sensitivity, point out reality of the situa-important before using this technique.those needs.mine methods for more adaptive coping with the experienced loss. Provide positive feedback for strategies identifitual needs of client and assist as necessary in the fulfiboth positive and negative aspects about the lost entity be-time in whatever form is desirable to him or her. Assess spiri-encourages repetition of desirable behaviors.tion in areas where misrepresentations are expressed. Positive feedback increases self-esteem and uences specifiMood Disorders: Depression c to the client is llment of ed and ●Client^133