Long-term Goals 1. Within reasonable time period, client will discuss fear of Interventions with 2. By time of discharge from treatment, client will exhibit 1. By time of discharge from treatment, client will exhibit [Expressions of worthlessness][Fear of failure][Inability to recognize own accomplishments][Setting self up for failure by establishing unrealistic goals][Unsatisfactory interpersonal relationships][Negative, pessimistic outlook][Hypersensitive to slight or criticism][Grandiosity] Goals/ObjectivesShort-term Goals^134 2. Within reasonable time period, client will verbalize things he or she likes about self. and future prospects.fear of failure. trying to reach them, thereby demonstrating a decrease in increased feelings of self-worth as evidenced by verbal expression of positive aspects of self, past accomplishments, failure with nurse.increased feelings of self-worth by setting realistic goals and^ ●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONSelected Rationales
2506_Ch06_125-144.indd 0134 2506 Ch 06 125 - 144 .ind6. Ensure that client is not becoming increasingly dependent 2. Spend time with client 3. Help client to recognize and focus on strengths and 5. Help client identify areas he or she would like to change 1. Be accepting of client and his or her negativism. 4. Encourage participation in group activities^ d 0 negative ruminations.tion of own problem-solving ability. Assistance may be effort. about self, and assist with problem solving toward this of acceptance enhances feelings of self-worth.may receive positive feedback and support from peers.required.she is to be successful within the less-structured community and that he or she is accepting responsibility for own behav-perceived) failures. accomplishments. Minimize attention given to past (real or toward feelings of self-worth.iors. environment. 134 Client must be able to function independently if he or Low self-worth may interfere with client’s percep-Lack of attention may help to eliminate to convey acceptance and contribute from which client An attitude 10/1/10 9:34:35 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 34 : 35 AM