ity of social exchange [Excessive use of projection—does not accept responsibility for Use of unsuccessful social interaction behaviorsOutcome Criteria 1. Client is able to differentiate between reality and unrealistic Discomfort in social situations 2. Client is able to refrain from responding to false sensory Defi●Self-concept disturbance[Delusions of persecution]DefiDysfunctional interaction with others[Delusions of grandeur]Inability to receive or communicate a satisfying sense of social en-Possible Etiologies (“related to”)Disturbed thought processes^ gagement (e.g., belonging, caring, interest, or shared history)IMPAIRED SOCIAL INTERACTION perceptions. events or situations. ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”) nition: Insuf fi cient or excessive quantity or ineffective qual- Mood Disorders: Bipolar Disorders ●^157
2 2506_Ch07_145-160.indd 0157 506 Ch 07 145 - 160 .indd Short-term Goalothers to fulfievidenced by lack of, or marked decrease in, manipulation of [Inability to delay gratifiLong-term Goalare appropriate and which are inappropriate within 1 week.Client will verbalize which of his or her interaction behaviors Interventions with Goals/Objectives[Verbal manipulation] 1. Recognize the purpose these behaviors serve for the client: to 0 Client will demonstrate use of appropriate interaction skills as 15 own behavior] 7 and control. reduce feelings of insecurity by increasing feelings of power nipulation may facilitate acceptance of the individual and his or her behavior. ll own desires.Understanding the motivation behind the ma-Selected Rationales cation] 1 10/1/10 9:34:52 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 34 : 52 AM