(^) 5. If the client elects to work on elimination of the fear, tech-4. Include client in making decisions related to selection of 3. Discuss reality of the situation with client in order to rec-Interventions with 2. Explore client’s perception of threat to physical integrity 1. Reassure client of his or her safety and security.^168 stimuli related to the phobic situation or object (rather than implosion therapy, in which the individual is “flor threat to self-concept. experienced. This is also sometimes accomplished through client’s perception of the phobic object or situation in order to assist with the desensitization process.reality or through fantasizing) until the fear is no longer ognize aspects that can be changed and those that cannot. Client must accept the reality of the situation (aspects that cannot change) before the work of reducing the fear can progress.the individual gradually to the situation or object (either in tematic plan of behavior modifialternative coping strategies. (niques of desensitization may be employed. This is a sys-level of anxiety, client may fear for own life.either to avoid the phobic stimulus or attempt to eliminate the fear associated with it.) self-worth.vides a measure of control and serves to increase feelings of^ ●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONSelected RationalesIt is important to understand the Allowing the client choices pro-Example: cation, designed to expose Client may choose ooded” with At panic
2506_Ch08_161-175.indd 0168 2506 Ch 08 161 - 175 .ind^ 2. Client verbalizes ways in which he or she will be able to 3. Client is able to demonstrate adaptive coping techniques that 1. Client does not experience disabling fear when exposed to 6. Encourage client to explore underlying feelings that may be^ Outcome Criteriad 0 lifestyle.can result in more adaptive coping abilities. may be used to maintain anxiety at a tolerable level. relation to the object or situation. to repeated exposure to the phobic stimulus under non-feelings in a nonthreatening environment may help client come to terms with unresolved issues.threatening conditions.in gradual steps) until anxiety is no longer experienced in phobic object or situation, physical and psychological sensations diminish in response contributing to irrational fears. Help client to understand how facing these feelings, rather than suppressing them, avoid the phobic object or situation with minimal change in 168 or Fear is decreased as the Verbalization of 10/1/10 9:35:04 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 35 : 04 AM