[Ritualistic behavior]Situational crisesGoals/Objectives[Alteration in societal participation] ●Inadequate problem solvingInability to meet role expectationsDefiInability to meet basic needs[Obsessive thoughts]inadequate choices of practiced responses, and/or inability to use available resources. Possible Etiologies (“related to”)[Underdeveloped ego; punitive superego][Fear of failure]Short-term GoalMaturational crises[Personal vulnerability][Inadequate support systems][Unmet dependency needs] Defi^ INEFFECTIVE COPING ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”) nition: Inability to form a valid appraisal of the stressors, Anxiety Disorders ●^169
2506_Ch08_161-175.indd 0169 2506 Ch 08 161 - 175 .indd Within 1 week, client will decrease participation in ritualistic 1. Assess client’s level of anxiety. Try to determine the types of 0 Interventions with By time of discharge from treatment, client will demonstrate abil- 3. In the beginning of treatment allow plenty of time for ritu-behavior by half.ity to cope effectively without resorting to obsessive-compulsive behaviors or increased dependency. 2. Initially meet client’s dependency needs as required. Encour-Long-term Goal 169 pendent behaviors. and encourages repetition of desired behaviors.teaching the client to interrupt the escalating anxiety.avenues for dependency would create intense anxiety on the part of the client. Positive reinforcement enhances self-esteem iors. situations that increase anxiety and result in ritualistic behav-als. Do not be judgmental or verbalize disapproval of the age independence and give positive reinforcement for inde-Recognition of precipitating factors is the fiSelected RationalesSudden and complete elimination of all rst step in 1 10/1/10 9:35:05 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 35 : 05 AM