Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

  1. Identify activities that serve to distract client from focus on 9. Encourage client to identify alternative methods of coping for assessment purposes. This information will be used 8. Encourage verbalization of feelings. Explore meaning that 6. Offer your attention at times when client is not focusing on 4. Provide pain medication as prescribed by physician. 5. Assist with comfort measures, such as back rub, warm bath, 10. Explore ways to intervene as symptoms begin to intensify, tations to focus on unresolved psychological issues.comfort and safety are nursing priorities.and heating pad. Be careful, however, not to respond in a way that reinforces the behavior. adaptive response to stress.physical symptoms may prolong maladaptive behaviors.adaptively.pain. with stress. tive behaviors.resolution of disturbing emotional issues.self and pain. a nonthreatening environment facilitates expression and ner as a transition from focus on self or physical manifes-tions that cause anxiety to rise. to develop a plan for assisting the client to cope more pain holds for client. Help client connect symptoms of pain to times of increased anxiety and to identify specifiPositive reinforcement encourages repetition of adap-These may avert the physical pain as a mal-These distractors serve in a therapeutic man-Verbalization of feelings in Somatoform Disorders Secondary gains from c situa-●Client^181

2 2506_Ch09_176-190.indd Sec1:181 506 Ch 09 176 - 190 .indd 3. Client demonstrates ability to intervene as anxiety rises, to available resources. 2. Client verbalizes an understanding of the relationship 11. Provide positive reinforcement for adaptive behaviors. Outcome Criteriaadequate choices of practiced responses, and/or inability to use S●Defi 1. Client verbalizes that pain does not interfere with comple-e^ c 1 tion of daily activities.prevent the onset or increase in severity of pain.INEFFECTIVE COPINGbetween pain and emotional problems.: nition:so that pain does not become disabling (e.g., visual or audi-application of hot or cold compresses, relaxation exercises).tive reinforcement enhances self-esteem and encourages tory distractions, mental imagery, deep-breathing exercises, repetition of desired behaviors. 181 Inability to form a valid appraisal of the stressors, in-Posi- 1 10/1/10 9:35:18 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 35 : 18 AM
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