Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
change that actually exists. (Time frame for this goal must be Fear of reaction by others 1. Establish trusting relationship with client. Interventions with actual structure or function by time of discharge from treatment.Possible Etiologies (“related to”)[Severe level of anxiety, repressed][Low self-esteem][Unmet dependency needs] DefiClient will verbalize perception of own body that is realistic to [Preoccupation with real or imagined change in bodily Long-term Goal[Verbalizations about physical appearance that are out of pro-determined according to individual client’s situation.)^184 Negative feelings about bodyChange in social involvementGoals/ObjectivesShort-term GoalClient will verbalize understanding that changes in bodily structure or function are exaggerated out of proportion to the portion to any actual physical abnormality that may exist]structure or function]^ ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”)●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONSelected Rationales Trust enhances

2506_Ch09_176-190.indd Sec1:184 2506 Ch 09 176 - 190 .ind 4. Help client recognize personal body boundaries. 3. Identify misperceptions or distortions client has regarding 5. Encourage independent self-care activities, providing as- 2. If there is actual change in structure or function, encourage d Sby others and reduce fear of rejection because of changes in bodily structure or function.feelings facilitates progression through the grieving process.sistance as required. client to progress through stages of grieving. Assess level of pendently enhance self-esteem and also create the necessity for client to confront reality of his or her bodily condition.body image. Correct inaccurate perceptions in a matter-of-fact, nonthreatening manner. Withdraw attention when preoccupation with distorted image persists. knowledge and provide information regarding normal griev-tion may encourage elimination of undesirable process and associated feelings. therapeutic interactions between nurse and client.may help him or her recognize acceptance of the individual ec 1 : 184 Self-care activities accomplished inde-Knowledge of acceptable Lack of atten-Use of touch 1 10/1/10 9:35:19 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 35 : 19 AM

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