(^186) Interventions with 1. Monitor physician’s ongoing assessments, laboratory reports, 2. Identify gains that the physical symptom is providing for 3. Fulfi 5. Encourage client to participate in therapeutic activities to the 4. Do not focus on the disability, and allow client to be as inde-6. Encourage client to verbalize fears and anxieties. Help client ganic pathology is clearly ruled out.but ensure maintenance of a nonthreatening environment.jeopardize client’s safety.extreme stress and is a mechanism used for coping. the client: increased dependency, attention, distraction from other problems. to focus on physical limitation. Reinforce reality as required, used in assisting the client with problem resolution.to recognize that the physical symptom appears at a time of as a manipulative tool. Withdraw attention if client continues best of his or her ability. Do not allow client to use the disability may be unaware of the relationship between physical symp-fort and safety are nursing priorities.and other data to maintain assurance that possibility of or-pendent as possible. Intervene only when client requires as-sistance. dependency.use of the maladaptive response for secondary gains, such as with which the physical symptom is interfering.^ ●^ ll client’s needs related to activities of daily living (ADLs) ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONPositive reinforcement would encourage continual These are important assessment data to be Selected Rationales Failure to do so may Client com-Client
2 2506_Ch09_176-190.indd Sec1:186 506 Ch 09 176 - 190 .ind 1. Client is no longer experiencing symptoms of altered physi-8. Explain assertiveness techniques and practice use of same 7. Help client identify coping mechanisms that he or she could 3. Client is able to verbalize adaptive ways of coping with stress^ Outcome Criteria 9. Help client identify a satisfactory support system within 2. Client verbalizes an understanding of the relationship d Srelationships.tom and emotional stress.the community from which he or she may seek assistance as needed to cope with overwhelming stress.use when faced with stressful situations rather than retreat-through role-playing.cal functioning.ing from reality with a physical disability.between extreme psychological stress and loss of physical functioning.hances self-esteem and minimizes anxiety in interpersonal and identify community support systems to which he or she may go for help.ec 1 : 186 Use of assertiveness techniques en- 1 10/1/10 9:35:19 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 35 : 19 AM