Lack of interest in learningcal condition exists to substantiate physical symptoms.[Severe level of anxiety] Defi 2. Assess client’s level of anxiety and readiness to learn. [Denial of emotional problems][Statements such as, “I don’t know why the doctor put me on the 1. Assess client’s level of knowledge regarding effects of psy-[History of “shopping” for a doctor who will substantiate symp-Interventions with [Noncompliance with psychiatric treatment plan] Goals/ObjectivesShort-term GoalClient will verbalize an understanding that no pathophysiologi-Possible Etiologies (“related to”)Long-term GoalBy time of discharge from treatment, client will be able to ver-balize psychological cause(s) for physical symptoms. 3. Discuss physical examinations and laboratory tests that have toms as pathophysiological]psychiatric unit. I have a physical problem.”]chological problems on the body. does not occur beyond the moderate level of necessary for the development of an effective teaching ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”)Selected RationalesAn adequate database Learn-
- Have client keep a diary of appearance, duration, and intensity 6. Help client identify needs that are being met through the 4. Explore feelings and fears held by client. Go slowly. These been conducted. Explain purpose and results of each.nonthreatening environment may help client come to terms with long-unresolved issues.cannot occur until the client realizes that physical symp-of physical symptoms. A separate record of situations that the client fifeelings may have been suppressed or repressed for a very long time and their disclosure will undoubtedly be a pain-son of these records may provide objective data from which to observe the relationship between physical symptoms and stress.ful experience. Be supportive. toms are used to fulfisick role. Together, formulate a more adaptive means for fulfi lling these needs. Practice by role-playing. nds especially stressful should also be kept. ll unmet needs. Anxiety is relieved by Verbalization of feelings in a Compari-Change
Somatoform Disorders ●^189
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