characterized by recurrent, intense sexual urges, fantasies, or Paraphiliasimpairment or disturbance in any of the phases of the sexual orgasm and disorders that relate to the experience of genital ● (APA, 2000). The American Psychiatric Association (APA, 2000) accompanied by persistent discomfort with one’s assigned sex tic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Te x t R e v i s i o n ( D S M - I V-T R )behaviors that involve unusual objects, activities, or situations (APA, 2000).disorders: paraphilias and sexual dysfunctions. acterized by strong and persistent cross-gender identifipain during intercourse. Gender identity disorders are char-response cycle. These include disorders of desire, arousal, and BACKGROUND ASSESSMENT DATASexual dysfunction disordersSexual and Gender Identity Disorders identifi es two categories of sexual C can be described as an HAPTER ParaphiliasDiagnos-^11 cation are
2506_Ch11_201-217.indd 0201 2506 Ch 11 201 - 217 .indd 2. Repetitive sexual activity with humans involving real or sim-sexual fantasies or behaviors that involve any of the following:The term “paraphilia” is used to identify repetitive or preferred 1. The preference for use of a nonhuman object.Types of paraphilias include the following: 1. 0 2. 3. Repetitive sexual activity with nonconsenting partners. 201 tense sexual urges, behaviors, or sexually arousing fantasies, tion may occur during the exhibitionism. Most individuals genitals to an unsuspecting stranger (APA, 2000). Masturba-of at least 6 months’ duration, involving the exposure of one’s ulated suffering or humiliation.urges or behaviors, or sexually arousing fantasies, of at least Exhibitionismwith paraphilias are men, and the behavior is generally estab-lished in adolescence (Andreasen & Black, 2006).Fetishism. Fetishism involves recurrent, intense sexual. The major symptoms include recurrent, in-^2011 10/1/10 9:35:43 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 35 : 43 AM