Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

  1. Client is able to correlate physical or psychosocial factors 5. Review medication regimen; observe for side effects.^ 6. Encourage client to discuss disease process that may be con- 7. Encourage client to ask questions regarding sexuality and 8. Make referral to sex therapist, if necessary. Client may even Outcome Criteriadrug and individual response is important to ascertain whether drug may be contributing to the problem.can provide the impetus for them to pursue the help they need.factory changes can be made in his or her sex life. He or she tributing to sexual dysfunction. Ensure that client is aware that alternative methods of achieving sexual satisfaction exist and can be learned through sex counseling if he or she and partner desire to do so. sexuality. Client and partner may be somewhat embarrassed dividual who is specially trained to treat problems related to may also be unaware of the availability of sex seek this kind of assistance. Support from a trusted nurse sexual functioning that may be troubling him or her. Complex problems are likely to require assistance from an in-creasing knowledge and correcting misconceptions can decrease feelings of powerlessness and anxiety and facilitate problem resolution.medications can affect sexual functioning. Evaluation of request that an initial appointment be made for him or her. Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders Client may be unaware that satis-●Many^ In-^209

2 2506_Ch11_201-217.indd 0209 506 Ch 11 201 - 217 .indd [Delayed sexual adjustment]ConflDefi[Unresolved Oedipal confl● 4. Client verbalizes resumption of sexual activity at level satis- 2. Client is able to communicate with partner about their sexual [Illness-related alterations in usual sexuality patterns] 3. Client and partner verbalize willingness and desire to seek Ineffective or absent role models 0 Lack of signifiPossible Etiologies (“related to”) 2 09 relationship without discomfort.INEFFECTIVE SEXUALITY PATTERNthat interfere with sexual functioning.factory to self and partner.assistance from professional sex therapist nition: icts with sexual orientation or variant preferences Expressions of concern regarding own sexuality. cant other ict] or 1 10/1/10 9:35:45 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 35 : 45 AM
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