Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

  1. Client will express personal satisfaction and feelings of being 1. Client will demonstrate behaviors that are appropriate and Short-term Goals 1. Client will verbalize knowledge of behaviors that are appro- 2. Client will verbalize desire for congruence between personal Long-term Goals 4. Discuss with the client the types of behaviors that are more Goals/ObjectivesInterventions with (^) 3. Allow client to describe his or her perception of the problem. 2. Be aware of own feelings and attitudes toward this client^214 1. Spend time with client and show positive regard. priate and culturally acceptable for assigned gender.comfortable in assigned gender.culturally acceptable. Practice these behaviors through role-It is important to know how the client perceives the problem feelings and behavior and assigned gender.playing or with play therapy strategies (e.g., male and female before attempting to correct misperceptions.unconditional acceptance are essential to the establishment of a therapeutic nurse-client relationship.culturally acceptable for assigned gender.and his or her behavior. effectiveness of interventions.nurse must not allow negative attitudes to interfere with the^ ●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONSelected RationalesAttitudes infl uence behavior. The Tr u s t a n d

2 2506_Ch11_201-217.indd 0214 506 Ch 11 201 - 217 .indOutcome Criteria 2. Client verbalizes and demonstrates self-satisfaction with 1. Client demonstrates behaviors that are culturally appropriate Defiity of social exchange.● 3. Client demonstrates development of a close relationship with d 0 for use of appropriate behaviors. No response is given for ste-sarily to extinguish all coexisting opposite-gender behaviors.the parent of the same gender. reotypical opposite-gender behaviors. dolls). Positive reinforcement or social attention may be given IMPAIRED SOCIAL INTERACTIONfor assigned gender.culturally appropriate same-gender behaviors, but not neces-assigned gender role. 2 nition: 14 Insuf fi cient or excessive quantity or ineffective qual-The goal is to enhance 10/1/10 9:35:47 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 35 : 47 AM
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