Goals/ObjectivesUse of unsuccessful social interaction behaviorsInterventions with Possible Etiologies (“related to”)[Socially and culturally unacceptable behavior][Negative role modeling][Low self-esteem]Defibehaviors.Discomfort in social situationsInability to receive or communicate a satisfying sense of belong-Client will interact with others using culturally acceptable Long-term Goalwith others.Dysfunctional interaction with othersShort-term GoalClient will verbalize possible reasons for ineffective interactions 1. Once client feels comfortable with the new behaviors in role ing, caring, interest, or shared historywith the client during initial interactions with others. haviors may be tried in group situations. If possible, remain playing or one-to-one nurse-client interactions, the new be- ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”)Selected RationalesSexual and Gender Identity Disorders ●Pres-^215
2506_Ch11_201-217.indd 0215 2506 Ch 11 201 - 217 .indd 2. Observe client behaviors and the responses he or she 3. Offer support if client is feeling hurt from peer ridicule.^0215 Matter-of-factly discuss the behaviors that elicited the rid-icule. Offer no personal reaction to the behavior. to desired behaviors. Follow up these “practice” sessions reaction from the nurse would be considered judgmental. in a new situation. It also provides the potential for feedback Validation of client’s feelings is important, yet it is also important that client understand why his or her behav-ior was the subject of ridicule and how to avoid it in the future.with one-to-one processing of the interaction. Give posi-tive reinforcement for efforts.ence of a trusted individual provides security for the client courages repetition of desirable behaviors. One-to-one processing provides time for discussing the appropriate-ness of specifito the client about his or her behavior.not be repeated.elicits from others. Give social attention (e.g., smile, nod) c behaviors and why they should or should Positive reinforcement en-Personal 1 10/1/10 9:35:47 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 35 : 47 AM