Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
as “fat” within specifiLack of eye contactInterventions with developed by time of discharge from therapy.cupation with own appearance as a more realistic body image is Defiby verbalizing positive aspects of self and exhibiting less preoc-[Distorted body image, views self as fat, even in the presence of Client will demonstrate an increase in self-esteem as manifested [Denial that problem with low body weight exists][DiffiLong-term Goal[Not taking responsibility for self-care (self-neglect)][Nonparticipation in therapy][Self-destructive behavior (self-induced vomiting; abuse of laxa-nicity of condition).^230 [Depressed mood and self-deprecating thoughts following epi-Client will verbally acknowledge misperception of body image [Preoccupation with appearance and how others perceive them]Goals/ObjectivesShort-term Goalnormal body weight or severe emaciation]tives or diuretics; refusal to eat)]sode of binging and purging]^ ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”) culty accepting positive reinforcement]●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATION ed time (depending on severity and chro-Selected Rationales

2 2506_Ch12_218-235.indd Sec1:230 506 Ch 12 218 - 235 .ind 4. Help client develop a realistic perception of body image and 3. Offer positive reinforcement when honest feelings related to 5. Promote feelings of control within the environment through 2. Offer positive reinforcement for independently made deci- 1. Help client reexamine negative perceptions of self and recog-d Staining control through maladaptive eating behaviors is her perception of body image is unhealthy and that main-to understand that he or she is a capable, autonomous relationship with food. adaptive eating behaviors.autonomy a nd dependence issues remain separated f rom mal-cluding weaknesses as well as strengths. nize positive attributes. hances self-esteem and may encourage client to continue positive feedback, help client learn to accept self as is, in-participation and independent decision making. Through sions infland positive attributes can increase sense of self-worth.dangerous—even life-threatening.functioning more 1 : 230 uencing client’s life. Client’s own identifiClient needs to recognize that his or Positive reinforcement en- cation of strengths Client must come 1 10/1/10 9:36:02 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 36 : 02 AM

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