Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
Predisposing Factors 1. 2. occupational or academic inhibition, without signifidepressed or anxious mood. b. may include physical complaints, social withdrawal, and Physiological a. the other categories of adjustment disorder. Manifestations Psychosocial Theories a. thought to impair the ability of an individual to adapt meaningful stressor having found a point of vulnerability as organic mental disorder or mental retardation, are Developmental Model. to stress, causing increased vulnerability to adjustment disorder. Sadock and Sadock (2007) suggest that genetic factors also may inflinstances, adjustment disorder is precipitated by a specifiresponse to an individual of otherwise adequate ego strength.stitutional factor, or birth characteristics that contribute to Developmental Impairment. Psychoanalytical Theory. the manner in which individuals respond to stress. In many lytical theory view adjustment disorder as a maladaptive response to stress that is caused by early childhood trau-ma, increased dependency, and retarded ego development. Other psychoanalysts put considerable weight on the con- uence individual risks for maladaptive Some studies relate a predispo-Some proponents of psychoana-Chronic conditions, such Adjustment Disorder ●^ cant^237 c

2506_Ch13_236-255.indd Sec1:237 2506 Ch 13 236 - 255 .indd Sec 1 c. : 237 that continuous stressors (those to which an individual is exposed over an extended period of time) are more com-monly cited than sudden-shock stressors (those that occur mental stage, timing of the stressor, and available support without warning) as precipitants to maladaptive function-ing. The situational context in which the stressor occurs may include factors such as personal and general economic not have the developmental maturity, available support systems, or adequate coping strategies to adapt, normal functioning is disrupted, resulting in psychological or somatic symptoms. The disorder also may be related to a dysfunctional grieving process. The individual may remain in the denial or anger stage, with inadequate de-fense mechanisms to complete the grieving process.sition to adjustment disorder to factors such as develop-Stress-Adaptation Model. systems. When a stressor occurs, and the individual does of stressor the individual experiences, the situational con-text in which it occurs, and intrapersonal factors in the predisposition to adjustment disorder. It has been found This model considers the type 10/1/10 9:36:14 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 36 : 14 AM

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