[Anger; rage] 1. Client will demonstrate adaptive coping strategies for use [Dysfunctional family system][Low self-esteem][Unresolved grief ][Psychic overload][Extended exposure to stressful situation][Lack of support systems][Biological factors, such as organic changes in the brain]Body language (e.g., rigid posture, clenching of fiLong-term Goals[History or threats of violence toward self or others or of 2. Client will verbalize adaptive coping strategies for use when ImpulsivitySuicidal ideation, plan, available means 1. Client will seek out staff member when hostile or suicidal [Increasing anxiety level][Depressed mood]Goals/ObjectivesShort-term Goalsdestruction to the property of others]hyperactivity, pacing, breathlessness, threatening stances)hostile or suicidal feelings occur. when hostile or suicidal feelings occur.feelings occur. Adjustment Disorder sts and jaw, ●^239