Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

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by time of discharge from his or her optimal ability, considering change in health status, Long-term GoalClient will demonstrate competence to function independently 4. Provide assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) as Interventions with 1. Encourage client to talk about lifestyle prior to the change 2. Encourage client to discuss the change or loss and particularly 3. Encourage client to express fears associated with the change^246 in health status. Discuss coping mechanisms that were used at stressful times in the past. accomplished independently. client’s strengths so that they may be used to facilitate adap-tation to the change or loss that has occurred.change in health status.that corrects misperceptions about how life will be with the ent’s ability will allow. Give positive feedback for activities realize that anger is a normal stage in the grieving process. If it is not released in an appropriate manner, it may be turned inward on the self, leading to pathological depression.required, but encourage independence to the limit that cli-or loss, or alteration in lifestyle that the change or loss has created. tional or unfounded. He or she may benefiand the individual may respond with fears that are irra-to express anger associated with it.^ ●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONChange often creates a feeling of disequilibrium Selected RationalesIndependent accomplishments It is important to identify the Some individuals may not t from feedback

2506_Ch13_236-255.indd Sec1:246 2506 Ch 13 236 - 255 .ind6. Use role-playing^ 5. Help client with decision making regarding incorporation d Sindividual’s ability to solve problems and to make appropri-ate decisions. Client may need assistance with this process in an effort to progress toward successful adaptation.and positive feedback enhance self-esteem and encourage of change or loss into lifestyle. Identify problems that the change or loss is likely to create. Discuss alternative solu-tions, weighing potential benefistressful situations that might occur in relation to the health status change. that adaptive functioning is possible and decrease feelings repetition of desired behaviors. Successes also provide hope a feeling of security by providing client with a plan of action for responding in an appropriate manner when a stressful situation occurs.alternative. Support client’s decision in the selection of an alternative. of powerlessness.companies a major lifestyle change often interferes with an ec 1 : 246 The great amount of anxiety that usually ac-Role-playing decreases anxiety and provides to decrease anxiety ts and consequences of each as client anticipates 1 10/1/10 9:36:16 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 36 : 16 AM

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