Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

  1. Minimize negative feedback to client. Enforce limit-setting 9. Help client increase level of self-awareness through criti-^ 6. Do not allow client to ruminate about past failures. With- 8. Encourage independence in the performance of personal re- 5. Encourage and support client in confronting the fear of reinforcement for attempts made. him or her to understand that it is perfectly acceptable for reinforcement enhance examination of feelings, attitudes, and behaviors. Help one’s attitudes and behaviors to differ from those of others as draw attention if he or she persists. repetition of the desirable behavior.these behaviors may discourage their repetition. Client must focus on positive attributes if self-esteem is to be enhanced.enhances self-esteem. Positive reinforcement encourages in matter-of-fact manner, imposing previously established consequences for violations. The ability to perform self-care activities independently tremely threatening to a person with low self-esteem, pos-sibly aggravating the problem. Consequences should convey unacceptability of the behavior, but not the person.failure by attending therapy activities and undertaking new tasks. Offer recognition of successful endeavors and positive sponsibilities, as well as in decision-making related to own self-care. Offer recognition and praise for accomplishments. Negative feedback can be ex-Recognition and positive Adjustment Disorder Lack of attention to ●^251

2 2506_Ch13_236-255.indd Sec1:251 506 Ch 13 236 - 255 .indd ● 3. Client sets goals that are realistic and works to achieve those 2. Client demonstrates ability to manage own self-care, make [Retarded ego development] 1. Client verbalizes positive perception of self.[Fixation in an earlier level of development]Possible Etiologies (“related to”)Defiity of social exchange.SOutcome Criteriae^ c 1 long as they do not become intrusive. independent decisions, and use problem-solving skills.self-awareness and self-acceptance, the need for judging the goals without evidence of fear of failure. behavior of others will diminish.IMPAIRED SOCIAL INTERACTION nition:: 251 Insuf fi cient or excessive quantity or ineffective qual-^ As the client achieves 1 10/1/10 9:36:18 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 36 : 18 AM
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