Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
the relocation (time dimension to be determined individually).evident physical and psychological symptoms associated with Client will demonstrate positive adaptation to new environment, as evidenced by involvement in activities, expression of satis-faction with new acquaintances, and elimination of previously 4. Help the individual identify resources within the new com-Long-term GoalInterventions with 1. Encourage individual to discuss feelings (concerns, fears, 2. Encourage individual to discuss how the change will af- 3. Help the individual identify positive aspects about the move.^254 tive about it. Assistance may be required.munity from which assistance with various types of services anger) regarding relocation.fere with the individual’s ability to recognize anything posi-Anxiety associated with the opposed relocation may inter-the situation more realistically and come to terms with the inevitable change.a trusted individual may help the individual perceive fect his or her life. Ensure that the individual is involved in decision-making and problem-solving regarding the move. Taking responsibility for making choices regarding the relo-cation will increase feelings of control and decrease feelings of powerlessness.may be obtained.^ ●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONBecause of anxiety and depression, the in-Selected Rationales Exploration of feelings with

2 2506_Ch13_236-255.indd Sec1:254 506 Ch 13 236 - 255 .ind6. Refer individual or family for professional counseling if^ 1. The individual no longer exhibits signs of anxiety, depres- 5. Identify groups within the community that specialize in Outcome Criteriad Saptation to the relocation.dividual may not be able to identify these resources alone. groups offer support from individuals who may have en-countered similar experiences. Adaptation may be enhanced sion, or somatic the reassurance, encouragement, and support of peers who exhibit positive adaptation to relocation stress.Assistance with problem-solving may be required.helping individuals adapt to relocation. Examples include Newcomers’ Club, Welcome Wagon International, senior deemed necessary. citizens’ groups, and school and church organizations. plicated g rieving over loss of previous residence may require therapy to achieve resolution of the problem. It may be that other unresolved issues are interfering with successful ad-ec 1 : 254 An individual who is experiencing com-^ These 1 10/1/10 9:36:19 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 36 : 19 AM

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