Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
preoccupation with gambling, and the impulse to gamble, in-The individual with kleptomania steals purely for the sake of vidual experiences intense pleasure, gratifiKleptomania“Kleptomania” is described by the act itself is preceded by tension or affective arousal, and the indi-Pyromania is the inability to resist the impulse to set fiPyromaniaand trust.failure to resist impulses to steal items not needed for personal use or for their monetary value” (APA, 2000, p. 667). Often the stolen items (for which the individual usually has enough money to pay) are given away, discarded, returned, or kept and hidden. setting the fistealing and for the sense of relief and gratifigrandiosity and often have diffian episode.Pathological GamblingThe and recurrent maladaptive gambling behavior that disrupts per-gamblers exhibit characteristics associated with narcissism and their aftermath (APA, 2000). Motivation for the behavior is self-tensifisonal, family, or vocational pursuits” (APA, 2000, p. 671). The DSM es when the individual is under stress. Many pathological -IV-TR res, witnessing their effects, or participating in defi nes “pathological gambling” as “persistent culties with intimacy, empathy, Impulse Control Disorders DSM-IV-TR cation, or relief when cation that follows as “the recurrent res. The ●^257

2506_Ch14_256-263.indd Sec1:257 2506 Ch 14 256 - 263 .indd may take precautions to avoid apprehension, many are totally This disorder is defiPredisposing Factors to Impulse Control Disorders 1. gratifisense of tension, and the individual experiences a sense of release or gratifiindifferent to the consequences of their behavior.Trichotillomaniapulling out of one’s own hair that results in noticeable hair loss” (APA, 2000, p. 674). The impulse is preceded by an increasing Sec 1 Physiological a. b. : 25 cation, and even though some individuals with pyromania 7 logical gambling.some cases of intermittent explosive disorder and patho-tion to impulse control disorders.GeneticsPhysical Factors. retardation have also been implicated in the predisposi- cation from pulling out the hair.. A familial tendency appears to be a factor in ned by the Brain trauma or dysfunction and mental DSM-IV-TR as “the recurrent 1 10/1/10 9:36:29 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 36 : 29 AM
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