Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

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a general medical condition.” These factors can adversely affect 2. By interfering with treatment of the medical condition.Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition● The American Psychiatric Association (APA, 2000, p. 731) 3. By constituting an additional health risk for the individual agnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Te x t R e v i s i o n ( D S M - I V-T R )affecting medical condition” as “the presence of one or more specifi 1. By inflCthe medical condition in several ways:BACKGROUND ASSESSMENT DATAtributing to the development or exacerbation of, or delayed (e.g., the individual who has peptic ulcers who continues to recovery from, the medical condition).HAPTER c psychological or behavioral factors that adversely affect uencing the course of the medical condition (i.e., con-^15 identifi es “psychological factors Di-

2 2506_Ch15_264-274.indd Sec1:264 506 Ch 15 264 - 274 .indd 2. Psychological symptoms (e.g., depressed mood or anxiety). 1. Mental disorders (e.g., Axis I disorders, such as major DSMtion. They include:^264 6. Other or unspecifi 5. Stress-related physiological responses (e.g., tension head- 4. Maladaptive health behaviors (e.g., smoking or overeating). 3. Personality traits or coping style (e.g., denial of the need for S^264 ec 1 medical care).Several types of psychological factors are implicated by the or cultural factors).depression).aches).drink and smoke).: 26 - 4 IV-TR as those that can affect the general medical condi- ed psychological factors (e.g., interpersonal 1 10/1/10 9:36:40 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 36 : 40 AM

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