headaches).by psychological factors. The Predisposing FactorsThis diagnosis is indicated when there is evidence of a physi-cal symptom(s) or a physical disorder that is adversely affected 1. Defiological process (e.g., the cerebral vasodilation of migraine states,sociated with rheumatoid arthritis) or a known pathophysi-conversion disorders in that there is evidence of either de-monstrable organic pathology (e.g., the inflconditions, dermatological conditions, endocrinological condi-This category differs from somatoform disorders and tions, gastrointestinal conditions, neoplastic conditions, neuro-logical conditions, pulmonary conditions, renal conditions, and rheumatological conditions (p. 732). a. Psychological and behavioral factors may affect the course of almost every major category of disease, including cardiovascular Physiological nedHe also suggests that genetic predisposition inflological disorders can occur when the body is exposed to prolonged stress, producing a number of physiological effects under direct control of the pituitary-adrenal axis. Physical Factors. Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition Selye (1956) believed that psychophysi-DSM-IV-TR ammation as- (APA, 2000) uences ●^265
2 2506_Ch15_264-274.indd Sec1:265 506 Ch 15 264 - 274 .indd S 2. ec 1 b. a. Psychosocial: 265 account totally for the development of psychophysiologi-cal disorders, the literature has alluded to the following type of psychophysiological disorder the individual will possible relationships:which organ system will be affected and determines the certain emotions. For example, in response to the emo-tion of anger, one person may experience peripheral va-soconstriction, resulting in an increase in blood pressure. The same emotion, in another individual, may evoke the response of cerebral vasodilation, manifesting a migraine headache.Emotional Response Pattern. Personality Traits. develop.individuals with specifithat individuals exhibit specifito certain disease processes. Although personality cannot Various studies have suggested that c personality traits are predisposed c physiological responses to It has been hypothesized 1 10/1/10 9:36:40 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 36 : 40 AM