Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

clude new medications that have been approved by the U.S. Food each category, along with nursing interventions, and client and and Drug Administration (FDA) since the last edition. This information should facilitate use of the book for nurses adminis-tering psychotropic medications and also for nurse practitioners with prescriptive authority. The major categories of psychotropic medications are identifirequired for each nursing diagnosis as the nurse individualizes sented related to indications, actions, contraindications and pre-cautions, interactions, route and dosage, and adverse reactions and side effects. Examples of medications in each chemical class are presented by generic and trade name, along with information about half-life, controlled and pregnancy categories, and avail-able forms of the medication. Therapeutic plasma level ranges are provided, where appropriate. Nursing diagnoses related to care for psychiatric education are included in each chapter.plans, with the expectation that additional information will be which lists some client behaviors commonly observed in the psychiatric setting and the most appropriate nursing diagnosis for each. It is hoped that this information will broaden the un-derstanding of the need to use a variety of nursing diagnoses in preparing the client treatment plan.signed to be used as a quick reference in the preparation of care NANDA-approved nursing diagnoses and provides suggestions for their use within the psychiatric setting. The book is de-This book helps to familiarize the nurse with the current Another helpful feature of this text is the table in Appendix N, Unit IV, Psychotropic Medications, has been updated to in- ed by chemical class. Information is pre-

Domain 1: Health PromotionDomain 2: Nutrition● Readiness for enhanced TAXONOMY II (2009–2011)Ineffective Imbalanced Impaired Ineffective Ineffective infant Self MCTIneffective family Impaired Readiness for enhanced NANDA-I NURSING DIAGNOSESReadiness for enhanced^ neglecthomeswallowingselfhealthnutrition health maintenancefeeding maintenancetherapeutic: Less than body requirements managementimmunizationnutritionself health pattern regimen management management status

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