Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

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(^286) 3. Administer tranquilizing medications as ordered by physi- 4. Correct misinterpretations of the environment as expressed by 6. Help client work toward achievement of object constancy. 5. Encourage the client to talk about true feelings. Help him or 2. During periods of panic anxiety, stay with the client and provide the situation. Client may feel totally abandoned when nurse or therapist a signed note or card with the client for reassurance may cian, or obtain order if necessary. Monitor client for effec-tiveness of the medication as well as for adverse side effects. Antianxiety medications (e.g., lorazepam, chlordiazepoxide, alprazolam) provide relief from the immobilizing effects of anxiety and facilitate client’s cooperation with therapy.even be feelings that the therapist ceases to exist. Leaving client. leaves at shift change or at end of therapy session. There may help. It is extremely important for more than one nurse to tion to reality and preserves the client’s feelings of dignity and self-worthunresolved issues.reassurance of safety and security. Orient client to the reality of her recognize ownership of these feelings rather than pro-jecting them onto others in the environment. ceive the situation more realistically and come to terms with feelings with a trusted individual may help the client per-ing and accepting attitude, provides a therapeutic orienta-^ ●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONConfronting misinterpretations honestly, with a car-Client comfort and safety are nursing priorities.. Exploration of

2 2506_Ch16_275-309.indd 0286 506 Ch 16 275 - 309 .indOutcome Criteria 1. Client is able to verbalize events that precipitate anxiety and Defiother [or any other loss of signifi cance to the individual], in which ● 3. Client interprets the environment realistically. 2. Client manifests no symptoms of depersonalization.d 0 ring their maladaptive dependency to that individual. This It is also necessary that staff maintain open communication dependency can be avoided if the client is able to establish COMPLICATED GRIEVINGtherapeutic relationships with two or more staff members who encourage independent self-care activities.and consistency in the provision of care for these individu-als. demonstrate techniques for its reduction.develop a therapeutic relationship with the borderline client. tendency to cling to one staff member, if allowed, transfer- 2 nition: 86 Individuals with borderline personality disorder have a A disorder that occurs af ter the death of a signifi cant 10/1/10 9:36:58 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 36 : 58 AM
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