Use of unsuccessful social interaction behaviors[Lack of personal identity]Long-term Goalsthe development of satisfactory interpersonal relationships.●Client will discuss with nurse or therapist behaviors that impede Short-term GoalDefiGoals/Objectives[Use of primitive dissociation (splitting) in their relationships ity of social exchange.Possible Etiologies (“related to”)[Fixation in rapprochement phase of development][Extreme fears of abandonment and engulfment] 1. Client will interact with others in the therapy setting in both Defi[Inability to form satisfactory intimate relationship with an-[Alternating clinging and distancing behaviors]^ other person](viewing others as all good or all bad)]IMPAIRED SOCIAL INTERACTION nition: ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”) Insuf fi cient or excessive quantity or ineffective qual-Personality Disorders ●^289
2506_Ch16_275-309.indd 0289 2506 Ch 16 275 - 309 .indd Interventions with 1. Encourage client to examine these behaviors (to recognize 2. Help client realize that you will be available, without rein- 4. Rotate staff who work with the client in order to avoid client’s 2. Client will display no evidence of splitting or clinging and 0 3. Give positive reinforcement for independent behaviors. 289 or of clinging and distancing pattern of interaction with must learn to relate to more than one staff member in an others.discharge from treatment.forcing dependent behaviors. social and therapeutic activities without diffimay provide needed security for the client.distancing behaviors in relationships by time of discharge that they are occurring). tive reinforcement enhances self-esteem and encourages repetition of desirable behaviors.from treatment. developing dependence on particular staff members. Selected RationalesClient may be unaware of splitting Knowledge of your availability culty by time of Client Posi-10/1/10 9:36:59 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 36 : 59 AM