Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

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(^294) 4. Encourage independence in the performance of personal re- 5. Help client increase level of self-awareness through criti-6. Help client identify positive self-attributes as well as those (^) 7. Discuss client’s future. Assist client in the establishment of for violations in a matter-of-fact manner. Consistency among all staff members is essential. desired changes.tremely threatening to a person with low self-esteem and possibly aggravate the problem. Consequences should convey unacceptability of the require assistance to formulate a plan for implementing the tributes. They may also lack problem-solving ability and esteem often have diffito effect change in these areas. How can he or she best use those strengths to achieve those sponsibilities, as well as in decision-making related to client’s self-care. Offer recognition and praise for accomplishments. Positive reinforcement enhances self-esteem and encourages aspects of the self he or she fishort-term and long-term goals. What are his or her strengths? cal examination of feelings, attitudes, and behaviors. goals? Encourage client to perform at a level realistic to his or exploration in the presence of a trusted individual may help the client come to terms with unresolved issues.the client. Enforce the limits and impose the consequences repetition of desirable behaviors.^ ●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONbehavior culty recognizing their positive at- nds undesirable. Discuss ways Negative feedback can be ex-but not the Individuals with low self-person. Self-

2 2506_Ch16_275-309.indd 0294 506 Ch 16 275 - 309 .indDefioften a long history of involvement with law-enforcement agen-display no evidence of guilt feelings at having done so. There is iors violate the rights of others, and individuals with this disorder antisocial behavior that began before the age of 15. These behav-Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a pattern of antisocial personalities are often labeled cies. Substance abuse is not uncommon. The disorder is more 4. Client sets realistic goals for self and demonstrates willing- 3. Client expresses some optimism and hope for the future. 2. Client demonstrates ability to make independent decisions Outcome Criteriain the lay literature. 1. Client verbalizes positive aspects about self.frequently diagnosed in men than in women. Individuals with ● d 0 her ability. Offer positive reinforcement for decisions made. ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDERregarding management of own self-care.ness to reach them. 2 ned 94 sociopathic or psychopathic^1 10/1/10 9:37:01 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 37 : 01 AM
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