Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
Long-term GoalShort-term Goal 2. Encourage client to recognize and verbalize feelings of inad- 1. Recognize and support basic ego strengths. Interventions with Rationalization of failuresHypersensitivity to criticismGrandiositySuperior attitude toward othersDiffigrandiose ideas.Hostile laughter or ridicule of othersDiffiout becoming defensive, rationalizing behaviors, or expressing Lack of follow-through or participation in treatment or Client will demonstrate ability to interact with others with-Goals/Objectives^302 Client will verbalize personal responsibility for diffireasonable for client).perienced in interpersonal relationships within (time period therapypositive aspects of the personality may help to improve self-concept.equacy and need for acceptance from others, and how these^ culty in perception of reality testing culty establishing or maintaining relationships●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONSelected Rationales Focusing on culties ex-

2 2506_Ch16_275-309.indd 0302 506 Ch 16 275 - 309 .ind 4. Help client identify situations that provoke defensiveness and 3. Provide immediate, matter-of-fact, nonthreatening feed-6. Help client set realistic, concrete goals and determine^ 7. Evaluate with client the effectiveness of the new behaviors 5. Provide immediate positive feedback for acceptable behav-d 0 this information in a nonthreatening manner may help to repetition of desirable behaviors.eliminate these undesirable behaviors.feelings provoke defensive behaviors, such as blaming others appropriate actions to meet those goals. practice through role-playing more appropriate responses. self-esteem.for own behaviors. Role-playing provides confiand discuss any modifiback for unacceptable behaviors. step in the change process toward resolution.ations when they actually occur.about how he or she is being perceived by others. Providing iors. 302 Positive feedback enhances self-esteem and encourages Recognition of the problem is the fi cations for improvement. dence to deal with diffiClient may lack knowledge Success increases Because of cult situ- rst 1 10/1/10 9:37:03 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 37 : 03 AM

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