Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

trol over another person. It may include slaps, punches, biting, health care, abandonment, expulsion from the home or refusal power and dominance by means of sexual violence, most com-Sexual abuse of an adult may be deficases of caretaker or inter-familial relationships, statutory rape, molestation, prostit ution, or other form of sexual exploitation of children, or incest with children” (CWIG, 2008). Sexual Abuse of an Adultrestraint.occurrence of sexual contacts or interaction between, or sexual exploitation of, close relatives, or between participants who are related to each other by a kinship bond that is regarded as a pro-hibition to sexual relations (e.g., caretakers, stepparents, stepsib-lings) (Sadock & Sadock, 2007).Neglect of a ChildPhysical neglecthair-pulling, choking, kicking, stabbing or shooting, or forcible monly by men over women, although men may also be victims of to allow a runaway to return home, and inadequate supervision. Emotional neglectwith the intent to cause harm and to establish power and con-taker to provide the child with the hope, love, and support nec-essary for the development of a sound, healthy personality.Physical Abuse of an AdultPhysical abuse of an adult may be defi of a child includes refusal of or delay in seeking refers to a chronic failure by the parent or care-Problems Related to Abuse or Neglect ned as the expression of ned as behavior used Incest● is the^311

2 2506_Ch17_310-319.indd Sec1:311 506 Ch 17 310 - 319 .indd Predisposing Factors (that Contribute 1. sexual assault. Sexual assault is identifiSexecuted against the person’s Patterns of Abuse) ec 1 c.^ Physiologicalb. a. : 311 & Stein, 2008). Biochemical Infland inhibition of aggressive impulses (Hollander, Berlin, mine, and serotonin—may play a role in the facilitation the amygdaloid nucleus (Tardiff, 2003).volved include the temporal lobe, the limbic system, and aggressive impulses. Areas of the brain that may be in-been implicated in both the facilitation and inhibition of the neurological system in both humans and animals have neurotransmitters—in particular norepinephrine, dopa-as a component in the predisposition to aggressive behav-Genetic Inflior. Both direct genetic links and the genetic karyotype Neurophysiological uences. uences.^ Some studies have implicated heredity Infl uencesStudies show that various. Various components of ed by the use of force and 10/1/10 9:37:15 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 37 : 15 AM
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