Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

Self-focus^322 Long-term Goaland minimize feelings of discomfort.Client cooperates with efforts to manage symptoms of PMDD Short-term GoalGoals/ObjectivesChanges in appetite [and eating]Client verbalizes relief from discomfort associated with symp-Sleep disturbance[Fluid retention]DefiFacial mask [of pain][Subjective communication of:toms of PMDD.^ ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”)Magnesium defiCaffeine sensitivity Abdominal crampingBreast tenderness and swelling]HeadacheAlcohol intolerance]Joint or muscle painA sensation of “bloating”Vitamin E defiBackache●^ SPECIAL TOPICS IN PSYCHIATRIC ciency ciency

2506_Ch18_320-328.indd Sec1:322 2506 Ch 18 320 - 328 .ind 3. Encourage the client to get adequate rest and sleep and avoid 2. Provide nursing comfort measures with a matter-of-fact ap- 4. Assist client with activities that distract from focus on self Interventions with 1. Assess and record location, duration, and intensity of pain. d Stional attention at times when client is not focusing on physi-the form of positive reinforcement may discourage client’s temporary relief from pain. Absence of secondary gains in exacerbation of symptoms and altered perception of symptoms. and pain. Demonstrate techniques such as visual or auditory heightened symptoms of anxiety, which may contribute to behavior (e.g., backrub, warm bath, heating pad). Give addi-proach that does not give positive reinforcement to the pain accurate plan of care for the client.exaggerates symptoms associated with PMDD. Stress elicits Background assessment data are necessary to formulate an stressful activity during the premenstrual period. use of the pain as attention-seeking 1 : 322 These measures may serve to provide some Selected Rationales Fatigue 1 10/1/10 9:37:27 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 37 : 27 AM
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