Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

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(^336) 4. Serve as facilitator between client’s family and homosexual 5. Encourage use of stress management techniques (e.g., relax- 3. If the client is homosexual, and this is the family’s fiReduction of stress and support from others who share simi-is unique and must feel that his or her private needs can be met within the family constellation.ational crisis.meetings for signifiawareness, help them deal with guilt and shame they may experience. Help parents to understand they are not re-sponsible and their child is still the same individual they have always loved. ation exercises, guided imagery, attendance at support group ily members to respond adaptively to the crisis. Their re-sponse can affect the client’s remaining future as well as the family’s future.clearly and develop new behaviors to cope with this situ-partner. The family may have diffilar experiences enable individuals to begin to think more and resolution of conflrealistic decisions about the client’s care, communication roles and responsibilities of family and partner. Do this by bringing both parties together to defilegally defitasks involved in the client’s care. ner as a person who is as signifi^ ●^ SPECIAL TOPICS IN PSYCHIATRIC ned roles and by focusing on the need for making Resolving guilt and shame enables fam- cant others of clients with HIV disease). ict are enhanced. cant as a spouse. Clarify By minimizing the lack of culty accepting the part- ne and distribute the rst
2506_Ch19_329-340.indd 0336 2506 Ch 19 329 - 340 .ind^ 6. Provide educational information about HIV disease and Outcome Criteria 1. Family members are able to discuss feelings regarding client’s 2. Family members are able to make rational decisions re- 7. Make family referrals to community organizations that^ d 0 den on client and family members. Respite care may pro-opportunity to ask questions and express concerns. garding care of their loved one and the effect on family with HIV disease. diagnosis and prognosis.provide supportive help or fiand facilitate interaction with the client.functioning.domain. Clarifimisconceptions about the disease abound within the public responsibilities.away from the stress of physical and emotional caregiving vide family members with occasional much-needed relief 336 cation may calm some of the family’s fears Extended care can place a fi nancial assistance to clients nancial bur-Many 1 10/1/10 9:37:41 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 37 : 41 AM

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