Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

Lack of follow-through or participation in treatment or therapyProjection of blame or responsibilitysuccesses, and failures.Client will verbalize personal responsibility for own actions, Short-term GoalPossible Etiologies (“related to”) [Low self-esteem][Retarded ego development][Underdeveloped superego][Negative role models][Lack of positive feedback][Absent, erratic, or inconsistent methods of discipline][Dysfunctional family system] DefiGoals/ObjectivesDenial of obvious problems or weaknesses^364 Rationalization of failuresHypersensitivity to criticismGrandiositySuperior attitude toward othersDiffiDiffiHostile laughter or ridicule of othersLong-term Goal^ ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”) culty establishing or maintaining relationships culty in perception of reality testing●^ SPECIAL TOPICS IN PSYCHIATRIC

2 2506_Ch22_358-369.indd Sec1:364 506 Ch 22 358 - 369 .indClient will demonstrate ability to interact with others and adapt 3. Provide immediate, matter-of-fact, nonthreatening feed- 1. Recognize and support basic ego strengths. behaviors, or expressing grandiose lifestyle goals without becoming defensive, rationalizing 4. Help client identify situations that provoke defensiveness and 2. Encourage client to recognize and verbalize feelings of inad-Interventions with d Sequacy and need for acceptance from others, and how these practice more appropriate responses through role-playing. about how he or she is being perceived by others. Direct the for own behaviors. feelings provoke defensive behaviors, such as blaming others behavior in a nonthreatening manner to a more acceptable concept.positive aspects of the personality may help to improve self-behavior.back for unacceptable behaviors. step in the change process toward 1 : 364 Selected RationalesRecognition of the problem is the fiClient may lack knowledge Focusing on rst 1 10/1/10 9:38:16 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 38 : 16 AM
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