Lack of follow-through or participation in treatment or therapyProjection of blame or responsibilitysuccesses, and failures.Client will verbalize personal responsibility for own actions, Short-term GoalPossible Etiologies (“related to”) [Low self-esteem][Retarded ego development][Underdeveloped superego][Negative role models][Lack of positive feedback][Absent, erratic, or inconsistent methods of discipline][Dysfunctional family system] DefiGoals/ObjectivesDenial of obvious problems or weaknesses^364 Rationalization of failuresHypersensitivity to criticismGrandiositySuperior attitude toward othersDiffiDiffiHostile laughter or ridicule of othersLong-term Goal^ ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”) culty establishing or maintaining relationships culty in perception of reality testing●^ SPECIAL TOPICS IN PSYCHIATRIC