Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
for prescribing the specifiapproach to planning and organizing nursing care. Basically, it is accountable.success of the interventions in meeting the outcome criteria sis is included in the ANA Standards of Practice. These stand-ards provide one broad basis for evaluating practice and reflfirecognition of the rights of the person receiving nursing care (ANA, 2010).● nursing diagnoses are formulated, outcome criteria are identi-Concept mapping is a diagrammatic teaching and learning strat-egy that allows students and faculty to visualize interrelation-ships between medical diagnoses, nursing diagnoses, assessment data, and treatments. The concept map care plan is an innovative the professional nurse. Nursing diagnosis provides the basis is a diagram of client problems and interventions. Compared to the commonly used column-format care plans, concept map care plans are more succinct. They are practical, realistic, and time-saving, and they serve to enhance critical-thinking skills and clinical reasoning ability.nursing care plans. Client data are collected and analyzed, ing the concept map care plan, just as it is with all types of on one page, or the assessment data and nursing diagnoses may ed, nursing actions are planned and implemented, and the The nursing process is foundational to developing and us-CONCEPT MAPPINGAs an inherent part of the nursing process, nursing diagno-The concept map care plan may be presented in its entirety c interventions for which the nurse ect

ventions, and evaluation written on a second page. Additionally, diagram is assembled in the nursing process stepwise fashion, the diagram may appear in circular format, with nursing diag-noses and interventions branching off the “client” in the center of the diagram. Or, it may begin with the “client” at the top of the diagram, with branches emanating in a linear fashion downward.the various components to indicate any relationships that exist. on the components of the nursing process. Accordingly, the appear in diagram format on one page, with outcomes, inter-beginning with the client and his or her reason for needing care, nursing diagnoses with subjective and objective clinical evidence for each, nursing interventions, and outcome criteria for evaluation.ous components of the care plan. Lines are drawn to connect For example, there may be a relationship between two nursing Various colors may be used in the diagram to designate vari-As stated previously, the concept map care plan is based

Nursing Process: One Step to Professionalism ●^3
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