2 2506_Ch23_370-389.indd Sec1:372 506 Ch 23 370 - 389 .indeffects with combined herbal preparations. Botanical names, medicinal uses, and safety profiwith possible implications for psychiatric/mental health nursing. only one herb. There is a greater likelihood of unwanted side air. In addition, it is often safer to use preparations that contain example, dried herbs lose potency rapidly because of exposure to ated. Their method of manufacture also may alter potency. For of regulation and standardization, ingredients may be adulter-rived are highly toxic in their natural state. Also, because of lack In fact, some of the plants from which prescription drugs are de-thing being “natural” means it is therefore completely safe is a myth. E of the German Federal Health Agency is the group respon-mans and animals, the use of herbal medicines must be English and compiled into one text (Blumenthal, 1998). E monographs of herbal medicines have been translated into herbs and plant medicines in Germany. All of the Commission ulation and control of the herbal industry. They include the Council for Responsible Nutrition, the American Herbal Asso-ciation, and the American Botanical Council. The Commission sible for researching and regulating the safety and effiapproached with caution and responsibility. d(Botanical Name)Common Name Black cohoshCascara sagradaT ABLE racemosa)purshiana)(Rhamnus S(Cimicifuga Until more extensive testing has been completed on hu-Table 23-1 lists information about common herbal remedies, Several organizations have been established to attempt reg-ec 23 – 1 1 : 372 Herbal RemediesRelief of constipationPossible ActionMay provide relief of Medicinal Uses/improved mood; calming effect. menstrual cramps; roots are thought to have action similar to estrogen.Extracts from the Generally considered safe in Contraindicated in ProfiSafety Generally recognized headaches, stiffness, and trembling. Should not take with heart problems, concurrently with anti-bowel obstruction or Toxic in large doses, causes GI discomfort. infllow doses. Occasionally pregnancy.causing dizziness, nausea, as safe; sold as over-the-counter drug in the U.S. Should not be used during pregnancy. hypertensives, or during le ammation.The notion that some- les are included. cacy of 1 10/1/10 9:38:29 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 38 : 29 AM