as conventional Western techniques, although it is essential that Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Associations [CAOMA], 3- or 4-year program of 2500 to 3500 hours.doctors of oriental medicine, and acupuncture physicians is a service is provided. Typical training for licensed acupuncturists, acupuncture is that they stimulate the body’s own painkilling chemicals—the morphine-like substances known as or an acupuncturist who is licensed by the state in which the received. Acupuncture should be administered by a physician The treatment has been found to be effective in the treatment of asthma, dysmenorrhea, cervical pain, insomnia, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, stroke rehabilitation, nausea of pregnancy, postoperative and chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, tennis elbow, fiall health-care providers have knowledge of all treatments being pal tunnel syndrome, and many other conditions (Council of Diet and Nutrition2009; NCCA M, 2007; Sadock & Sadock, 2007). Recent studies suggest that acupuncture may aid in the treatment of cocaine dependence and chronic daily headaches (Avants et al., 2000; Coeytaux et al., 2005).istered at the same time other techniques are being used, such by both patients and physicians. This treatment can be admin-Acupuncture is gaining wide acceptance is the United States The Western medical philosophy regarding acupressure and bromyalgia, low back pain, car-Complementary Therapies endorphins●^377.
2506_Ch23_370-389.indd Sec1:377 2506 Ch 23 370 - 389 .indd of Agriculture (USDA) and Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) have collaborated on a set of guidelines to help individuals understand what types of foods to eat and the healthy lifestyle they need to pursue in order to promote health and cultural, as well as nutritional, needs. The U.S. Department from these guidelines (USDA/USDHHS, 2005).Sderrated. Lutz and Przytulski (2006) stated:The value of nutrition in the healing process has long been un-tors, not the least of which is enjoyment. Eating must serve social and prevent disease. Following is a list of key recommendations ec 1 ing, lack of adequate physical activity, and poor nutritional habits. lifestyle and the risk of disease. Many people, at least in industrial-causes. Healthcare providers emphasize the relationship between third of early death and disability stems from nutritional or dietary The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that nearly one-Today many diseases are linked to lifestyle behaviors such as smok-Individuals select the foods they eat based on a number of fac-in part, a preventive science. Given suffiized countries, are increasingly managing their health problems and what one eats is a lifestyle choice (p. 4). making personal commitments to lead healthier lives. Nutrition is, : 377 cient resources, how and 1 10/1/10 9:38:31 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 38 : 31 AM