TOilsMilk groupSubgroupsFood Groups and Discretionary ABLEcalorie allowance 23 – 2 Level—cont’d Sample USDA Food Guide at the 2000-Calorie ●●24 grams (6 tsp.)267 calories3 cupsExample of distribution:Daily AmountUSDA Food Guide (^) Added sugars (e.g., saturated & sweetened cereals)Solid fats 18 grams fats)32 grams (8 tsp.) (e.g., Complementary Therapies trans (^) ●●1 tsp. equivalent is:1 cup equivalent is:●●●Examples of solid fats:●●●1 tbsp. added sugar ●●●●Examples/Equivalent Amounts 1 1 tbsp. low-fat mayo2 tbsp. light salad dressing2 oz. low-fat or fat-free natural cheese1 tsp. vegetable oilcreamFat in whole milk/ice 1 tsp. soft margarine with zero 1 cup low fat/fat-free milk1 cup low fat/fat-free 8 oz. lemonadeyogurtfree processed cheese (^1) Fatty meatsequivalent is: (^1) ⁄ 2 oz. jelly beans⁄ 2 oz low-fat or fat-trans●-fat^379
2 2506_Ch23_370-389.indd Sec1:379 506 Ch 23 370 - 389 .indd Source:^ 3.^ 2.Se^ 2005.^ c 1 Weight Management a. Maintain body weight in a healthy range; balance calories b. To prevent gradual weight gain over time, make small de- b. To reduce the risk of chronic disease in adulthood, en- a. Engage in regular physical activity and reduce sedentary Physical Activity: 379 Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005.days of the week.creases in food and beverage calories and increase physi-activities to promote health, psychological well-being, from foods and beverages with calories expended.and a healthy body weight.activity, above usual activity, at work or home on most gage in at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensit y physical cal activity. Washington, D.C.: USDA /USDHHS, Essential oils (above) are not considered part of the discre-tionary calories 1 10/1/10 9:38:32 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 38 : 32 AM