Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

● 3. Risk for activity intolerance related to medication side effects 1. Instruct client not to drive or operate dangerous machinery ● 6. Risk for acute confusion related to action of the medication 5. Defi 2. Advise client receiving long-term therapy not to quit 4. Disturbed sleep pattern related to situational crises, physical Anxiety: 2. Anxiety (specify) related to threat to physical integrity or 1. Risk for injury related to seizures, panic anxiety, acute Route and Dosage daily dosage: 60 mg.Increase by 5 mg/day every 2 to 3 days as needed. Maximum condition, severe level of anxietyself-conceptNURSING DIAGNOSES RELATED of sedation, confusion, lethargy (^) of medication intoxication or overdoseagitation from alcohol withdrawal (indications); abrupt TO ALL ANTIANXIETY AGENTSwithdrawal from the medication after long-term use; effects on the CNS NURSING IMPLICATIONS FOR ANTIANXIETY AGENTSthreatening (with the exception of buspirone). Symptoms include depression, insomnia, increased anxiety, abdomi-taking the drug abruptly. Abrupt withdrawal can be life-while taking the medication. cient knowledge related to medication regimen^ Adults: PO: Initial dosage 7.5 mg 2 times a day.

  1. Instruct client not to drink alcohol or take other medica- 9. Symptoms of sore throat, fever, malaise, easy bruising, 5. Monitor lying and standing blood pressure and pulse every 6. Withhold drug and notify the physician should paradoxical 7. Have client take frequent sips of water or ice chips, suck on 8. Have client take drug with food or milk to prevent nausea 4. Assess mood daily. position.nal and muscle cramps, tremors, vomiting, sweating, con-shift. Instruct client to arise slowly from a lying or sitting vulsions, and delirium.or unusual bleeding should be reported to the physician excitement occur.persons.hard candy, or chew sugarless gum to relieve dry mouth.tions that depress the CNS while taking this medication.and vomiting.immediately. They may be indications of blood dyscrasias. Take necessary precautions for potential suicide.May aggravate symptoms in depressed

Antianxiety Agents ●^415
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