Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
Hospitalized patients:^420 AMITRIPTYLINEDepression:Children and adolescentsAlternative dosing: May initiate at 50 to 100 mg at bedtime; in-Premenstrual Symptoms:Adolescent and elderly patientsMigraine Prevention:Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:CLOMIPRAMINEFibromyalgia:Postherpetic Neuralgia:Route and Dosageday in divided doses. Range: 10 to 300 mg/day.smaller. Maximum daily dose: 3 mg/kg or 200 mg, whichever Gradually increase to 100 mg/day during fibedtime. and dysphoriamaximum of 250 mg/day. increase to 150 mg/day. fiis smaller. 3 weeks. crease by 25 to 50 mg as necessary, to a total of 150 mg/ divided doses. May increase gradually over several weeks to rst 2 weeks to daily dose of 3 mg/kg or 100 mg, whichever is^ ●^ PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATIONS^ PO (Anafranil) PO: : 75 mg/day in divided doses. May gradually may require up to 300 mg/day. 10 to 50 mg at bedtime: 25 mg/day. Gradually increase during PO: : 10 mg 3 times a day and 20 mg at PO: PO:Common dosage: 50 to 100 mg/ 25 to 75 mg/day for ir r it abil it y 65 to 100 mg/day for at least PO: Adults rst 2 weeks, given : 25 mg/day.

2 2506_Ch26_417-446.indd 1420 506 Ch 26 417 - 446 .indPanic Disorder:Elderly and adolescentsBulimia Nervosa:Alcoholism:Attention-defiDepression:Depression and/or Anxiety:Diabetic Neuropathy:DOXEPINPostherpetic Neuralgia:DESIPRAMINEd maximum dose of 150 mg given as multiple daily doses. daily dose. May increase to maximum dose of 300 mg/day. single daily dose. Maximum dose: 150 mg/day. adverse effects. 6 weeks. 100 to 200 mg/daydosage up to 200 to 300 mg/day, depending on response and 75 mg/day. May increase to maximum dose of 150 mg/day. 1420 (Sinequan)^ PO(Norpramin) PO: cit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):: 100 to 200 mg/day in divided doses or as a single^ 200 to 275 mg/day. PO: PO: : 25 to 100 mg/day in divided doses or as a^ Initial dose: 25 mg 3 times a day. Titrate PO: Initial dose: 10 mg. Increase to a^ PO: 50 to 250 mg/day.^ PO94 to 167 mg/day for at least : (Mild to moderate illness):^ PO: 10/1/10 9:39:18 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 39 : 18 AM
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