Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

(^428) Contraindications and PrecautionsActionExamples● SR = 12-hour tablets; XL = 24-hour tablets. ● (Trade) Bupropion NameGeneric nephrine and dopamine into presynaptic neurons. Action is unclear. Thought to inhibit the reuptake of norepi-Zyban)(Wellbutrin; CHEMICAL CLASS: NOREPINEPHRINE-(NDRIs) (^) DOPAMINE REUPTAKE INHIBITORS^ ●^ PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATIONSCategories/Half-life (hr)C/8–24 Pregnancy Unlabeled uses:●●●Indications● (Wellbutrin XL)ADHD (Wellbutrin)Depression SmokingSeasonal (Zyban) affective disorder (Wellbutrin)cessation Not well Plasma Level Range Therapeutic established Tabs (XL): 150, Forms (mg) Available Tabs: 75, 100 Tabs (SR): 10 0, 150, 200 300

2506_Ch26_417-446.indd 1428 2506 Ch 26 417 - 446 .ind● sion or ADHD) and Zyban (for smoking cessation) • Lactation● Use Cautiously in:● Contraindicated in:• Patients with hepatic or renal function impairment • Patients with suicidal ideation • Patients with recent history of myocar-dial infarction or unstable heart disease • Pregnancy (safety not established) • Elderly and debilitated patientsAdverse Reactions and Side Effects● comitant use with, or within 2 weeks use of, MAOIs • Known or ● suspected seizure disorder • Alcohol or benzodiazepine (or other ● sedatives) withdrawal • Current or prior diagnosis of bulimia or ● anorexia nervosa • Concomitant use of Wellbutrin (for depres-d InsomniaBlurred visionDry mouth Ta c h y c a r d i a Sedation; dizziness Tremor Agitation 1428 • Hypersensitivity to the drug • Con- • Patients with urinary retention 1 10/1/10 9:39:21 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 39 : 21 AM
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