Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

        • Most commonly occur with MAOIs: a. Hypertensive The condition will usually resolve on its own once the Supportive nursing measures include monitoring vital Hypertensive crisis occurs if the individual consumes if the medication is not discontinued, the condition muscle r ig id it y a nd cha nges i n ment a l st at us are present , cooling blankets and tepid baths to assist with tem-perature regulation, and monitoring intake and output (Prator, 2006).smoked and processed meats, caviar, pickled herring, rigidity, and prevent seizures. In severe cases, artifioffending medication has been discontinued. However, receiving MAOI therapy. Foods that should be avoided may progress to life-threatening complications such as seizures, coma, hypotension, ventricular arrhythmias, disseminated intravascular coagulation, rhabdomyoly-sis, metabolic acidosis, and renal failure (Prator, 2006). include aged cheeses, raisins, fava beans, red wines, ventilation may be required. The histamine-1 receptor antagonist cyproheptadine is commonly used to treat the symptoms of serotonin syndrome.late, yogurt, and bananas. Drugs that should be avoided foods or other substances containing tyramine whilesoy sauce, monosodium glutamate (MSG), beer, choco-signs, providing safety measures to prevent injury when crisis Antidepressants ●^ cial^443
          2506_Ch26_417-446.indd 1443 2506 Ch 26 417 - 446 .indd 1 * 443 b. Application site reactions system [Emsam]) Symptoms of hypertensive crisis include severe occipi- Treatment of hypertensive crisis: Discontinue drug im- The most common reactions include rash, itching, ery-rigidity, fever, sweating, marked increase in blood pres-treatment. However, if reaction becomes problematic, and antiparkinsonian agents, such as levodopa.mediately; monitor vital signs; administer short-acting antihypertensive medication, as ordered by physician; use external cooling measures to control hyperpyrexia.include other antidepressants, sympathomimetics (in-stimulants (including over-the-counter diet drugs), an-tal headache, palpitations, nausea and vomiting, nuchal teroids have been used in treatment.sure, chest pain, and coma.tihypertensives, meperidine and other opioid narcotics, thema, redness, irritation, swelling, or urticarial lesions. Most reactions resolve spontaneously, requiring no cluding over-the-counter cough and cold preparations), it should be reported to the physician. Topical corticos-(with selegiline transdermal 10/1/10 9:39:27 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 39 : 27 AM

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