Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
●^444 ● ● * 5. Miscellaneous side effects: Use caution when driving or operating dangerous machin-as long as 4 week s. If af ter t h is leng t h of t ime no improvement have not subsided. The therapeutic effect may not be seen for Continue to take the medication even though the symptoms is noted, the physician may prescribe a different medication.ery. Drowsiness and dizziness can occur. If these side effects TO ALL ANTIDEPRESSANTSCLIENT/FAMILY EDUCATION RELATED b.^ a.^ ●Priapism (with trazodone)Hepatic failure (with nefazodone) Advise clients to be alert for signs or symptoms sug-^ If the client complains of prolonged or inappropriate Priapism is a rare side effect, but it has occurred in some Cases of life-threatening hepatic failure have been Priapism can become very problematic, requiring sur-men taking trazodone.the physician immediately.reported in clients treated with nefazodone.gical intervention, and, if not treated successfully, can result in impotence.gestive of liver dysfunction (e.g., jaundice, anorexia, GI penile erection, withhold medication dosage and notify immediately.complaints, or malaise) and to report them to physician PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATIONS^

2 2506_Ch26_417-446.indd 1444 506 Ch 26 417 - 446 .ind● ● ● ● ● d ing time outdoors. The skin may be sensitive to sunburn.become persistent or interfere with activities of daily living, Report occurrence of any of the following symptoms to the physician immediately: sore throat, fever, malaise, yellowish skin, unusual bleeding, easy bruising, persistent nausea and vomiting, severe headache, rapid heart rate, diffiDo not stop taking the drug abruptly. To do so might pro-ing, anorexia or weight loss, seizure activity, stiff or sore neck, and chest pain.the client should report them to the physician. Dosage adjust-duce withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, vertigo, insomnia, Rise slowly from a sitting or lying position to prevent a sudden drop in blood pressure.headache, malaise, nightmares, and a return of the symptoms Take frequent sips of water, chew sugarless gum, or suck on hard candy if dry mouth is a problem. Good oral care (frequent brushing, fl for which the medication was prescribed. ment may be necessary.Use sunblock lotion and wear protective clothing when spend- 1444 ossing) is very important. culty urinat- 10/1/10 9:39:27 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 39 : 27 AM

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