Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

Bipolar Disorder: 1. Risk for injury related to manic hyperactivity. 3. Risk for injury related to lithium toxicity. 2. Risk for self-directed or other-directed violence related to Acute Agitation in Schizophrenia: 4. Risk for injury related to adverse effects of mood-stabilizing 5. Risk for activity intolerance related to side effects of ASENAPINE● Schizophrenia:Schizophrenia:^468 5 mg twice daily. The safety of doses above 10 mg twice daily with food. Dose increments may be made at 2-day intervals 10 mg twice daily has not been evaluated in clinical trials.up to 80 mg twice daily. daily if there are adverse effects. The safety of doses above 10 mg twice daily. The dose can be decreased to 5 mg twice 2 hours or 20 mg every 4 hours. Maximum dosage: 40 mg/day. has not been evaluated in clinical trials. as needed up to 40 mg/day. May be given as 10 mg every TO ALL MOOD-STABILIZING DRUGSNURSING DIAGNOSES RELATED (^) drowsiness and dizziness.environment.unresolved anger turned inward on the self or outward on the drugs.^ ●^ PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATIONS^ (Saphris)^ Adults: Adults: Adults: PO: PO: PO: Usual starting and target dose: Initial dose: 20 mg twice daily Recommended initial dose:^ Adults: IM: 10 to 20 mg

2 2506_Ch27_447-471.indd 0468 506 Ch 27 447 - 471 .indside effects from mood-stabilizing drugs. Nursing implications The plan of care should include monitoring for the following^ are designated by an asterisk (). 1. ●^ d 0 a. May occur with lithium: d. MOOD-STABILIZING DRUGS^ b. c. NURSING IMPLICATIONS FOR 468 Drowsiness, dizziness, headacheDry mouth; thirstGI upset; nausea/vomitingFine hand tremors***^ Administer medications with meals to minimize GI^ Ensure that strict oral hygiene is maintained. Ensure that client does not participate in activities that require alertness, or operate dangerous machinery. pranolol to counteract this effect. physicians prescribe a small dose of beta-blocker pro-Report to physician, who may decrease dosage. Some Provide sugarless candy, ice, frequent sips of water. upset. 1 10/1/10 9:39:48 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 39 : 48 AM
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