Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

(^482) ActionLoxapine● ● ● Clozapine● Mechanism of action has not been fully established.It appears to be more act ive at limbic t han at striatal dopamine Exerts strong antagonistic effects on dopamine Dparticularly high affiExerts an antagonistic effect on dopamine receptors, with a serotonin 5-HT^ ●^ PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATIONS 2 receptors nity for the D 4 receptor 2 and D 4 and
2506_Ch28_472-501.indd 1482 2506 Ch 28 472 - 501 .ind● ● QuetiapineOlanzapine● ● ● dNameOlanzapine Quetiapine Generic (Trade) tagonism of histamine Hreceptors. 2 (5-HTa combination of dopamine type 2 (Dminergic, and serotonergic receptorsbipolar mania is unknown. The mechanism of action of olanzapine in the treatment of ergic receptorsAlso shows antagonism for muscarinic, histaminic, and adren- Effiof dopamine and 5-HTAlso acts as an antagonist at adrenergic, cholinergic, hista-Antipsychotic activity is thought to be mediated through receptors. (Seroquel) 1 (Zyprexa) 482 cacy in schizophrenia is mediated through a combination^2 ) antagonism. Other effects may be due to an-Categories/ Pregnancy Half-life (hr)C/21–54 C/~6^2 antagonism.●●Unlabeled uses:●●●●●Indications^ Obsessive-compulsive dis-with bipolar mania (IM) Acute agitation in schizo-SchizophreniaAcute agitation associated phrenia (IM)Bipolar maniaorder (refractory to SSRIs)Bipolar maniaSchizophrenia^1 receptors and alpha^2 ) and serotonin type Tabs: 25, 50, 100, Forms (mg)Tabs (XR): 200, 300, Inj: 10/vialTabs (orally Tabs: 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, Available 10, 15, 20^400 15, 20 200, 300, 400 disintegrating): 5,^1 -adrenergic 1 10/1/10 9:40:07 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 40 : 07 AM

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