Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
● Loxapine● ● Olanzapine● ● ClozapineContraindications and Precautions: prostatic hypertrophy; elderly patients with dementia-related hypertension; children, pregnancy, and lactation (Contraindicated in: establishedcardiac insuffiContraindicated in: Use cautiously in: Use cautiously in: zures; glaucoma; urinary retention; respiratory insuffidrug-induced depressed states; clients with blood dyscrasias; integrating tablets only: psychosis (betes; prostatic enlargement; narrow-angle glaucoma; preg-box warninghepatic, renal, or cardiac insuffinancy; elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis (Contraindicated in: tion; children (orders; history of clozapine-induced agranulocytosis or severe granulocytopenia; concomitant use with other drugs that have the potential to suppress bone marrow function; severe CNS depression or comatose states; uncontrolled epilepsy; lacta-)black box warning). ciency; diabetes mellitus or risk factors for dia-safety not establishedpatients with hepatic, renal, respiratory, or patients with epilepsy or history of sei-hypersensitivity; myeloproliferative dis-hypersensitivity; lactation. Phenylketonuria (orally disintegrating hypersensitivity; comatose or severe ). ciency; severe hypotension or ) Antipsychotic Agents Orally dis-safety not ciency; ●black^483

2 2506_Ch28_472-501.indd 1483 506 Ch 28 472 - 501 .indd ● ● ● Quetiapine 148 history of seizures, history of attempted suicide, prostatic hypertrophy, diabetes or risk factors for diabetes, narrow an-Use cautiously in: gle glaucoma, history of paralytic ileus; elderly patients with ease; dehydration or hypovolemia (increased risk of hypoten-sion); hepatic impairment; hypothyroidism; history of suicide attempt; pregnancy or children (dementia-related psychosis (dosage), pregnancy and children (patients with diabetes or risk factors for diabetes; elderly pa-tients with dementia-related psychosis (tablets contain aspartame)Use cautiously in:diovascular or cerebrovascular disease, history of glaucoma, Contraindicated in: 3 hepatic insuffihypersensitivity; lactationcardiovascular or cerebrovascular dis-black box warning ciency, elderly clients (reduce safety not establishedsafety not establishedblack box warning). ), car-). ); 1 10/1/10 9:40:08 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 40 : 08 AM

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