Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
1. ● The plan of care should include monitoring for the following side effects from antipsychotic medications. Nursing implica-tions related to each side effect are designated by an asterisk (*). A profi cations is presented in Table 28-1. 2.^494 FOR ANTIPSYCHOTIC AGENTS a. classifiNausea; gastrointestinal (GI) upset^ between typicals and atypicals) Anticholinergic effectsNURSING IMPLICATIONS d. c. b.^ ●Blurred vision**Urinary retention*****ConstipationDry mouth le of side effects comparing various antipsychotic medi-^ Clear small items from pathway to prevent falls. Advise client not to drive a car until vision clears. Order foods high in fi Provide the client with sugarless candy or gum, ice, and Instruct client to report any diffi Ensure that client practices strict oral hygiene. Explain that this symptom will most likely subside after tor intake and output.a few weeks.frequent sips of activity and flPSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATIONS cations) uid intake if not contraindicated. (see Table 28-1 for differences ber; encourage increase in physi- culty urinating; moni- (may occur with all

2506_Ch28_472-501.indd 1494 2506 Ch 28 472 - 501 .ind 4. 5. 3. d 1 between typicals and atypicals) Orthostatic hypotension*Skin rash***Sedationand atypicals) 4 Report appearance of any rash on skin to physician. 9 Tablets or capsules may be administered wit h food to mini- Discuss with physician possible decrease in dosage or order Concentrates may be diluted and administered with fruit Instruct client to rise slowly from a lying or sitting position Instruct client not to drive or operate dangerous equipment Avoid spilling any of the liquid concentrate on skin; contact Discuss with physician possibility of administering drug at dermatitis can occur.bedtime. 4 for less sedating drug.mize GI upset.juice or other liquid; they should be mixed immediately while experiencing sedation.before administration. (see Table 28-1 for differences between typicals (may occur with all classifi (see Table 28-1 for differences cations) 1 10/1/10 9:40:12 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 40 : 12 AM

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