Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
● ActionChildren 2 to 6 yearsExamples● PO Syrup: leasing intact st riatal dopamine stores or by block ing neuronal Amantadine increases dopamine at the receptor either by re-exceed 25 mg/day. AGONISTS^ CHEMICAL CLASS: DOPAMINERGIC 12.5 mg every 4 hours, not to exceed 75 mg/day.: PO Syrup: 6.25 mg every 4 hours, not to Antiparkinsonian Agents ●^505

● Use Cautiously in:Amantadine ● ● Contraindications and Precautions ● Bromocriptine ● controlled psychiatric disturbances • History of congestive ● ● Contraindicated in:Bromocriptine Amantadine NameGeneric (Trade) Angle closure glaucomaHypersensitivity to the drug dopamine reuptake. It also inhibits t he replicat ion of inflHypersensitivity to this drug, other ergot alkaloids, or sulfiPregnancy, lactation, and in children under 1 year ((contained in some preparations)A virus isolates from each of the subtypes.Uncontrolled hypertensionestablishedPregnancy and lactation; children younger than 15 years (dopamine receptors. Bromocriptine increases dopamine by direct stimulation of (Parlodel)(Symmetrel)safety not established) Categories/Half-life (hr)B/8–20Pregnancy C/10–25 ) • Hepatic or renal impairment • Un- ●●●Indications●●●● Prophylaxis and treatment of Neuroleptic malignant Drug-induced extrapyramidal Parkinsonism Parkinsonism Acromegaly Hyperprolactinemia-associated dysfunctionsInfl uenza A viral infectionsymptomssyndrome Tabs, Caps: 100Tabs: 2.5Forms (mg) Syrup: 50/5 mLCaps: 5Available safety not uenza tes

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