Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

(^508) 1. onset of EPS, rather than as routine adjunctive therapy.may elect to prescribe an antiparkinsonian agent only at the tions compounds these effects. For this reason, the physician those produced by antipsychotic drugs. Taking both medica- d. e. Anticholinergic c. b. a. f.^ ●UrinaryperatureTachycardia, Decreased Sweating, Elevated Tem-BlurredConstipationParalyticDry****^ Report any of these symptoms to physician immediately. Explain that symptom will most likely subside after a Offer sugarless candy or gum, ice, frequent sips of Ensure that client practices strict oral hygiene. Instruct client to report any diffi Offer to assist with tasks requiring visual acuity. A rare, but potentially very serious side effect of anti- Order foods high in fiwater.tor intake and output. cholinergic drugs. Monitor for abdominal distension, absent bowel sounds, nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain.few activity and flPSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATIONS Mouth VisionRetention Ileus Effects uid intake, if not contraindicated.. These side effects are identical to ber; encourage increase in physi- culty urinating; moni-
2506_Ch29_502-510.indd 508 2506 Ch 29 502 - 510 .ind^ 2. 3.^ 4. d^5 **ExacerbationNausea*Sedation, Drowsiness, Dizziness 08 Assess for signs of loss of contact with reality. Discuss with physician possible decrease in dosage or May administer tablets or capsules with food to minimize Intervene during a hallucination; talk about real people Instruct client not to drive or use dangerous equipment Discuss with physician possibility of administering drug at Stay with client during period of agitation and delirium; GI upset. remain calm and reassure client of his or her safety.order for less sedating drug.while experiencing sedation or dizziness. and real events; reorient client to reality.bedtime.** Ensure that client remains in cool environment, be- Assess vital signs each shift; document and report cause the body is unable to cool itself naturally with this medication. signifi, Gastrointestinal (GI) cant changes to physician.^ of^ Psychoses^ Upset 1 10/1/10 9:40:27 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 40 : 27 AM

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