Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
7. 8. ● ●^ ● 9.^ ●^ 6.^520 Do not consume other CNS depressants (including alcohol).vomiting, sweating, convulsions, and delirium.insomnia, anxiety, abdominal and muscle cramps, tremors, produce serious withdrawal symptoms, such as depression, Do not stop taking the drug abruptly after prolonged use. Can and dizziness can occur.Do not drive or operate dangerous machinery. Drowsiness Paradoxical excitementDry mouthTO ALL SEDATIVE-HYPNOTICSCLIENT/FAMILY EDUCATION RELATED Nausea and vomiting Blood dyscrasias^ ** Withhold drug and notify the physician. Have client take frequent sips of water or ice chips, suck on Have client take drug with food or milk (unless it is a drug Symptoms of sore throat, fever, malaise, easy bruising, Monitor pulse rate and rhythm and report any signifi Instruct client to arise slowly from a lying or sitting ●hard candy, or chew sugarless gum. immediately. in which taking with food is not recommended). position.change to the physician. or unusual bleeding should be reported to the physician^ PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATIONS cant

● ● ● ● ● ● from physician.Report to physician immediately symptoms of sore throat, fever, malaise, easy bruising, unusual bleeding, or motor restlessness.medications being taken.Be aware of risks of taking these drugs during pregnancy. Do not take nonprescription medication without approval ing the fiCarry card or piece of paper at all times stating names of notify the physician of the desirability to discontinue the drug.Rise slowly from the sitting or lying position to prevent a sud-Be aware of possible side effects. Refer to written materi-als furnished by health-care providers regarding the correct method of self-administration.den drop in blood pressure.(Congenital malformations have been associated with use dur- rst trimester.) If pregnancy is suspected or planned,
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